12722725_578850835623062_1280476072_oOn 18th of March, a group of 17 years old students took part in Debate discussion at Future in Our Hands youth NGO.

The theme of Debate was ”Group or Individual Work”. The purposes of this event was to learn how to Debate and improve English speaking skills.The individual skills learned through debate have a broader impact on society as well. It teaches the principles of tolerance, nonviolence and respect for different points of view, debate can close the gap between minority and majority cultures, and other groups divided by long-standing animosities. So this truly fits the aim of the organisation. This kind of events are being organised quite often and they are free for everybody.

At the end, besides the main topic, students were telling about themselves, their hobbies and favorite books/films. The idea was to create a space to talk in English and improve their languages skills.

Join us for our future projcts!